Jewish people around the Western world celebrated the High Holy Day, Yom Kippur, from Wednesday, September 16, at sunset to Thursday, the 17th, at sunset.
Called the 'Day of Atonement', it is a time for people to examine how they've lived in the past 12 months, and to plan how to get closer to G-d by becoming better persons.
Here is a reading from our UU Hymnal, taken from an ancient Jewish text, that encourages us all to make peace...with others and ourselves.
O Source of peace, lead us to peace, a peace profound and true, lead us
to a healing, to mastery of all that
drives us to war within ourselves
and with others.
May our deeds inscribe us in the
Book of life and blessing, righteous-
ness and peace!
O Source of peace, bless us with peace.